Friday, September 24, 2010

Create great websites without any SEO

If you want to have a site which performs well in search engines then you need to stop worrying about search engines and start worrying about creating a really great website. Code your site properly, make it accessible, make it usable, make sure it has fantastic content, make sure you have great marketing that has other people talking about it.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

AddThis - The #1 Bookmarking & Sharing Service

AddThis - The #1 Bookmarking & Sharing Service: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Saturday, September 4, 2010

rsync backup

Dry run
rsync -a --delete /SOURCE/ /DESTINATION/ --update --progress --stats -n

rsync -a --delete /SOURCE/ /DESTINATION/ --update --progress --stats

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Raphaël 1.5 - Awesome SVG

Dmitry Baranovskiy has released another version of Raphaël, an excellent drawing and animation library backed by SVG (VML on Internet Explorer). New features in Raphaël 1.5 include custom attributes and keyframes.
