A quick guide to Eclipse Nebula's Grid, CDateTime, CompositeTable, PGroup and PShelf widgets
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) provides access to the native widgets of an operating system via Java™ technology. However, the widgets available don't solve every need. The Eclipse Nebula project provides nine widgets to help answer common user interface (UI) programming needs. This tutorial demonstrates five of Nebula's nine widgets, including Grid, CDateTime, CompositeTable, PGroup, and PShelf.
SWT has long suffered from a lack of custom widgets that go beyond the standard ones provided. The Eclipse Nebula project was created as a gathering place for widget authors who wish to release their widgets under the Eclipse Public License and have them incubated in an official Eclipse project. It features some widgets, such as the CDateTime widget, that draw their own interfaces. It also includes widgets, such as CompositeTable, that let you use existing SWT widgets in new ways. In all, the Nebula widgets address areas that in the past have been major holes in the feature set of widgets available in the SWT API.
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