Saturday, September 29, 2007


XSWT is an XML-based page description language for SWT.

  • It can be found at
  • The update site is
  • Click XSWT Features for more information
for a screenshot visit xswt web site

Build a Web application without writing any code, Part 2

Learn how to use Rational® Application Developer to build a Web application using data from a DB2® database, and publish your page to a WebSphere® Application Server, all without writing any code. Perhaps you used open source versions of these products to kick-start your Web-based application development. This tutorial takes you the next step: scaling your application to run in a business environment. Part 1 showed you how to install, set up, and configure trial versions of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, DB2 Enterprise V9.0, and WebSphere Application Server V6.1. Part 2 shows you how to build an application.

the full article at developerworks

Ajax and XML: Ajax for lightboxes

In a world where everything is designed to amaze and distract, it's awfully difficult to get a user's attention. Learn how to use new techniques such as lightboxes, pop-ups, windows, and fading messages with your Ajax tools to get your users' eyes on your content.

the full article at developerworks

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Adding Help Support to a Rich Client Platform (RCP) Application


Online help can be added to an Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) application with a modest amount of effort by adding the plug-ins that comprise the Eclipse help system. The first section of this article discusses the benefits of integrating the help system into your application. This is followed by a tutorial which describes in detail the steps required to add help system support to a newly created RCP application while avoiding commonly encountered pitfalls. Finally we describe how to add context help and how to fine tune the settings of your help system.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Take a legacy path to advanced GWT controls

The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) provides libraries and tools that let you develop Ajax applications in the Java™ programming language. Unfortunately, GWT's standard gallery of UI controls (widgets) doesn't provide the advanced features that modern enterprise applications require. This article shows a technique that addresses this deficiency. Find out how to give GWT controls advanced functionality with relatively simple coding by integrating a popular JavaScript grid component with a GWT application.
read the article at developerworks

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Retargetable actions

The actions are defined as retargetable actions so that individual views can implement the handler actions. The BrowserView associates its handler actions with the window's retargetable actions when it creates the controls for the view:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Incorporate Google Calendar Into Outlook

Word to the wise: This article was posted in April of 2006 and hasn't been
updated since. However, people still thank me every day for posting it and find
that it works -- Just know that things might not go exactly as they did in April
2006, so be ready for a surprise or two ;)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

FlashDen is a site where you can buy or sell royalty-free stock files for use in Adobe Flash projects. Files sell for between 1 dollar and 30 dollars depending on the complexity, quality and use of the file. Anyone is free to sign up for an account and begin trading or purchasing files.

Rich Faces

RichFaces is a rich component library for JavaServer Faces built on an advanced open source framework (Ajax4jsf). It allows easy integration of AJAX capabilities into enterprise-level business application development. RichFaces enriches the Ajax4jsf framework in two important ways. First, it expands the number of visual ready-to-use components. Secondly, it fully implements the skinability feature of the Ajax4jsf framework including a large number of predefined skins. Using skinability, it is much easier to manage the look-and-feel of an application.