Tutorial's domain model (mindmap.ecore)
The document is meant to enumerate various enhancements that will be available in Eclipse Platform release 3.3 from milestone 5. The readers are assumed to be familiar with Forms in general and have some working experience with them. If that is not the case, a good place to start would be Eclipse article: Eclipse Forms: Rich UI for Rich Client Applications as well as online documentation.
Most of the features listed in this document will be available in the integration builds leading to M5 and can be used with the caveat that there is a small change that APIs can change before they are frozen in the M5 stable build. We make these changes only if absolutely necessary and not without the prior warning on the mailing list.
A practical comparison between Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears and J2EE.
Javeline PlatForm is an application development framework (also called a library, or toolkit) aimed at developers for building applications that run via web browsers, but look and feel like conventional desktop applications. These Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are a combination of the best of both worlds.http://www.ajax.org/
Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of box without any installation. That means it is a webserver that can run directly from cdrom, usb stick or from any folder on harddisk. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM. Server2Go was primary developed for the usage on CD-ROM but there is no problem use it from other drives too. Using a web browser, a user can run php programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM. He only need to insert a CD with Server2Go under the supported Windows operations systems. The server starts automaticly and opens a browser with the Website of the CD-ROM.
Server2Go was build to replace a tool called WampOnCD that lacks some important features and isn't activly developed.
Server2Go supports PHP5, SQLite and MySQL.
$_ = '1 4, 4 5, 6 /, 5 /, x, 0 1, 7 /, 6 /, x, 2 /, 6';see it in action
s/\/, (\d)/\/ $1, $1/g;
s/\/, (x)/\/ 10, x/g;
s/(\d )\//$1.(10-$1)/ge;
s/x, (\d \d)/x $1, $1/g;
s/(((,?)( \d+)+){10}).*/$1/;
s/(\d+) (\d+)/$1+$2/ge;
s/(\d+) (\d+)/$1+$2/ge;
my $total;
According to Google's announcements on the GWT home page, GWT makes writing AJAX applications easy for developers "who don't speak browser quirks as a second language". Starting with version 1.3.RC in December 2006, GWT is 100% open source under the Apache 2.0 license; at the time of this writing we have version 1.3.3 as a stable release. The heart of the toolkit is its GUI library with the Java-to-JavaScript compiler, the asynchronous remote procedure call (RPC) and object serialization mechanisms, and the full debugging support for client and server-side code when working with an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ's IDEAread the article at javaworld
The software industry might be the world’s greatest breeding ground for new systems of management. From Agile, to Extreme Programming , to Test
Driven Development (TDD), the acronyms and frameworks keep piling up. Why?
<xsl:template match="sectionBody">
<xsl:apply-templates select="text()"></xsl:apply-templates>
<xsl:template match="text()">
<xsl:call-template name="break">
<xsl:template name="break">
<xsl:param name="text" select=".">
<xsl:when test="contains($text, '
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text, '
<xsl:call-template name="break">
<xsl:with-param name="text" select="substring-after($text, '
<xsl:value-of select="$text">
This article describes the development of a simple Ajax application on Mac OS X using GWT and familiar Java tools, such as Apache Ant, the Tomcat 5.0 servlet container, and the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (the latter is a commercial IDE). The article assumes some knowledge of Java and Ant.