Monday, December 31, 2007

Rocket Themes

really professional joomla templates

RocketTheme has the best Joomla templates available. We don’t sell templates individually because we prefer our customers to have a choice, and to be able to update their designs at their own pace. When you join the RocketTheme Joomla Templates Club, you also become a part of an exclusive community that thrives on helping each other out. Why not join the thousands of other satisfied club members, and join the RocketTheme Joomla template club today!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Betamax VoIP domains


Saturday, December 22, 2007

An Eclipse Nebula widgets primer

A quick guide to Eclipse Nebula's Grid, CDateTime, CompositeTable, PGroup and PShelf widgets

The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) provides access to the native widgets of an operating system via Java™ technology. However, the widgets available don't solve every need. The Eclipse Nebula project provides nine widgets to help answer common user interface (UI) programming needs. This tutorial demonstrates five of Nebula's nine widgets, including Grid, CDateTime, CompositeTable, PGroup, and PShelf.

SWT has long suffered from a lack of custom widgets that go beyond the standard ones provided. The Eclipse Nebula project was created as a gathering place for widget authors who wish to release their widgets under the Eclipse Public License and have them incubated in an official Eclipse project. It features some widgets, such as the CDateTime widget, that draw their own interfaces. It also includes widgets, such as CompositeTable, that let you use existing SWT widgets in new ways. In all, the Nebula widgets address areas that in the past have been major holes in the feature set of widgets available in the SWT API.

read the article at developerWorks

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Eclipse RCP: Tips 'n Trick

A MUST SEE Eclipse RCP demonstration .

The Eclipse Rich Client Platform provides a feature rich framework for the development of rich client applications. This talk presents tips and tricks for the development of such applications. Kai introduces some general development tricks that are helpful for all users of the Eclipse SDK, such as the usage of extension locations in combination with links, conditional breakpoints, and some logging tips.
It covers:
  • XML contributions vs. code

  • Package and Plug-in Structures

  • Deployment & Update

  • Issues when using 3rd Party Libraries

live at

  • How to enable console log and why
  • Conditional Breakpoints

Eclipse GMF in 7 minutes

Creating a Graphical Editor using the Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF)

The screen cam demonstration shows how the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) can be leveraged to build a graphical editor.

live at

Porting PJSIP and PJMEDIA Stack to SymbianOS

Friday, November 23, 2007

GWT Case Study - QueWeb

QueWeb is an Open Source web-based Customer Care solution based on Google Web Toolkit GWT.

A great GWT based application anyone must take a look. Online demo is available (login: demo, pswd: demo).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Serialize objects to XML and back again

XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again.


  • Ease of use. A high level facade is supplied that simplifies common use cases.
  • No mappings required. Most objects can be serialized without need for specifying mappings.
  • Performance. Speed and low memory footprint are a crucial part of the design, making it suitable for large object graphs or systems with high message throughput.
  • Clean XML. No information is duplicated that can be obtained via reflection. This results in XML that is easier to read for humans and more compact than native Java serialization.
  • Requires no modifications to objects. Serializes internal fields, including private and final. Supports non-public and inner classes. Classes are not required to have default constructor.
  • Full object graph support. Duplicate references encountered in the object-model will be maintained. Supports circular references.
  • Integrates with other XML APIs. By implementing an interface, XStream can serialize directly to/from any tree structure (not just XML).
  • Customizable conversion strategies. Strategies can be registered allowing customization of how particular types are represented as XML.
  • Error messages. When an exception occurs due to malformed XML, detailed diagnostics are provided to help isolate and fix the problem.
  • Alternative output format. The modular design allows other output formats. XStream ships currently with JSON support and morphing


A simple tutorial is also available at

Saturday, September 29, 2007


XSWT is an XML-based page description language for SWT.

  • It can be found at
  • The update site is
  • Click XSWT Features for more information
for a screenshot visit xswt web site

Build a Web application without writing any code, Part 2

Learn how to use Rational® Application Developer to build a Web application using data from a DB2® database, and publish your page to a WebSphere® Application Server, all without writing any code. Perhaps you used open source versions of these products to kick-start your Web-based application development. This tutorial takes you the next step: scaling your application to run in a business environment. Part 1 showed you how to install, set up, and configure trial versions of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, DB2 Enterprise V9.0, and WebSphere Application Server V6.1. Part 2 shows you how to build an application.

the full article at developerworks

Ajax and XML: Ajax for lightboxes

In a world where everything is designed to amaze and distract, it's awfully difficult to get a user's attention. Learn how to use new techniques such as lightboxes, pop-ups, windows, and fading messages with your Ajax tools to get your users' eyes on your content.

the full article at developerworks

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Adding Help Support to a Rich Client Platform (RCP) Application


Online help can be added to an Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) application with a modest amount of effort by adding the plug-ins that comprise the Eclipse help system. The first section of this article discusses the benefits of integrating the help system into your application. This is followed by a tutorial which describes in detail the steps required to add help system support to a newly created RCP application while avoiding commonly encountered pitfalls. Finally we describe how to add context help and how to fine tune the settings of your help system.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Take a legacy path to advanced GWT controls

The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) provides libraries and tools that let you develop Ajax applications in the Java™ programming language. Unfortunately, GWT's standard gallery of UI controls (widgets) doesn't provide the advanced features that modern enterprise applications require. This article shows a technique that addresses this deficiency. Find out how to give GWT controls advanced functionality with relatively simple coding by integrating a popular JavaScript grid component with a GWT application.
read the article at developerworks

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Retargetable actions

The actions are defined as retargetable actions so that individual views can implement the handler actions. The BrowserView associates its handler actions with the window's retargetable actions when it creates the controls for the view:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Incorporate Google Calendar Into Outlook

Word to the wise: This article was posted in April of 2006 and hasn't been
updated since. However, people still thank me every day for posting it and find
that it works -- Just know that things might not go exactly as they did in April
2006, so be ready for a surprise or two ;)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

FlashDen is a site where you can buy or sell royalty-free stock files for use in Adobe Flash projects. Files sell for between 1 dollar and 30 dollars depending on the complexity, quality and use of the file. Anyone is free to sign up for an account and begin trading or purchasing files.

Rich Faces

RichFaces is a rich component library for JavaServer Faces built on an advanced open source framework (Ajax4jsf). It allows easy integration of AJAX capabilities into enterprise-level business application development. RichFaces enriches the Ajax4jsf framework in two important ways. First, it expands the number of visual ready-to-use components. Secondly, it fully implements the skinability feature of the Ajax4jsf framework including a large number of predefined skins. Using skinability, it is much easier to manage the look-and-feel of an application.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Icon (ICO) file format Photoshop Plugin

An easy way to create your web site's favourites/shortcut/bookmark icon in Photoshop (all versions including CS and CS2), Elements or Paint Shop Pro (v9 recommended). More info. FREE, $5 donation suggested if you love the plugin. (MacHouse has a video tutorial on making a favicon.)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Better GWT by extension

Two projects hosted in google code gives GWT a much better UI.

GWT-Ext is a library that integrates Ext with GWT.

GWT API library to support yui-ext within the GWT framework. This library allows you to freely mix GWT widgets/panels etc with yui-ext elements.

I like gwt-ext grid with inline editing support

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Zend Framework

Zend Framework 1.0.1 has been released.
The leading open-source PHP framework with a flexible architecture that lets you easily build modern web applications and web services

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

UI Forms enhancements in release 3.3

The document is meant to enumerate various enhancements that will be available in Eclipse Platform release 3.3 from milestone 5. The readers are assumed to be familiar with Forms in general and have some working experience with them. If that is not the case, a good place to start would be Eclipse article: Eclipse Forms: Rich UI for Rich Client Applications as well as online documentation.

Most of the features listed in this document will be available in the integration builds leading to M5 and can be used with the caveat that there is a small change that APIs can change before they are frozen in the M5 stable build. We make these changes only if absolutely necessary and not without the prior warning on the mailing list.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears and J2EE

A practical comparison between Zope/Plone, Ruby on Rails, Turbogears and J2EE.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ajax - javeline technologies

Javeline PlatForm is an application development framework (also called a library, or toolkit) aimed at developers for building applications that run via web browsers, but look and feel like conventional desktop applications. These Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are a combination of the best of both worlds.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Server2Go is a Webserver that runs out of box without any installation. That means it is a webserver that can run directly from cdrom, usb stick or from any folder on harddisk. Server2Go allows you to create a standalone working web site or PHP application on a CD-ROM. Server2Go was primary developed for the usage on CD-ROM but there is no problem use it from other drives too. Using a web browser, a user can run php programs as well as view html files on the CD-ROM. He only need to insert a CD with Server2Go under the supported Windows operations systems. The server starts automaticly and opens a browser with the Website of the CD-ROM.
Server2Go was build to replace a tool called WampOnCD that lacks some important features and isn't activly developed.

Server2Go supports PHP5, SQLite and MySQL.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Just perl !!!

Believe it or not is a complete program (business logic included):
$_ = '1 4, 4 5, 6 /, 5 /, x, 0 1, 7 /, 6 /, x, 2 /, 6';
s/\/, (\d)/\/ $1, $1/g;
s/\/, (x)/\/ 10, x/g;
s/(\d )\//$1.(10-$1)/ge;
s/x, (\d \d)/x $1, $1/g;
s/(((,?)( \d+)+){10}).*/$1/;
s/(\d+) (\d+)/$1+$2/ge;
s/(\d+) (\d+)/$1+$2/ge;
my $total;
see it in action

read more

Friday, July 6, 2007

Some Recipes to Improve Your Google Web Toolkit Development

from "JavaWorld":
According to Google's announcements on the GWT home page, GWT makes writing AJAX applications easy for developers "who don't speak browser quirks as a second language". Starting with version 1.3.RC in December 2006, GWT is 100% open source under the Apache 2.0 license; at the time of this writing we have version 1.3.3 as a stable release. The heart of the toolkit is its GUI library with the Java-to-JavaScript compiler, the asynchronous remote procedure call (RPC) and object serialization mechanisms, and the full debugging support for client and server-side code when working with an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ's IDEA
read the article at javaworld

Monday, July 2, 2007

Asshole driven development

From "The Berkun Blog"
The software industry might be the world’s greatest breeding ground for new systems of management. From Agile, to Extreme Programming , to Test
Driven Development (TDD)
, the acronyms and frameworks keep piling up. Why?

Read about:
  • Asshole Driven development (ADD)
  • Cognitive Dissonance development (CDD)
  • Cover Your Ass Engineering (CYAE)
  • Development By Denial (DBD)
  • Get Me Promoted Methodology (GMPM)

XSL: Replace string with element

Replace encoded Carriage Return "
" with br element

<xsl:template match="sectionBody">
<xsl:apply-templates select="text()"></xsl:apply-templates>
<xsl:template match="text()">
<xsl:call-template name="break">

<xsl:template name="break">
<xsl:param name="text" select=".">
<xsl:when test="contains($text, '&#xD;')">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text, '&#xD;')">

<xsl:call-template name="break">
<xsl:with-param name="text" select="substring-after($text, '&#xD;')">
<xsl:value-of select="$text">

for more XSL replace hints read

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Google Web Toolkit Tutorial

This article describes the development of a simple Ajax application on Mac OS X using GWT and familiar Java tools, such as Apache Ant, the Tomcat 5.0 servlet container, and the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (the latter is a commercial IDE). The article assumes some knowledge of Java and Ant.

Read the article

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Flex MP3 Player Tutorial

Simple MP3 player tutorial at

For this tutorial we're going to use the audioManager actionscript class from dhtmlnirvana to play all the sounds.

There are several ways you can do this, but this is probably the simplest.

What we are going to do is create a drop down box which is the song list. The data for the song list is got from an external XML file using an HTTP service.

When the user selects a new song from the dropdown box, the song that is currently playings stops and the new one begins. Our actionscript class knows which song to play using an internal array of songs.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Easy flash ebooks creation

Flipping Book provides as set of componets that makes the creation of Flash based e-books easy.

Online Demos available

Monday, June 11, 2007

MX Toolbox provide a number of useful mx tools:
  • mxlookup
  • blacklists check
  • diagnostics tools
  • etc

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Eclipse: Help Wanted: Test the new download page and packages

From Ian's blog

Something we would like to accomplish during the Europa release is to make it easier for our user community to download Eclipse. The existing download model requires you to start with the SDK and then start adding projects and features. However, for the millions of Eclipse users the SDK is a bit of overkill, if you are really just are using Eclipse as a Java IDE. Or if you want to use Eclipse as a C/C++ IDE it is not that obvious what to download when you visit our download page.

Free Web Designs for Download

An interesting article where author has collect web sites that offer free web design templates.
A visually appealing website design will not result in lots of recurring visitors if you don't have good content. In contrast bad, old-fashioned, or boring designs may well be accepted by a loyal readership if you have good content. To have both good content and a good design is invaluable. - icon search engine is google like icon search engine available at

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Something is missing

I'm just not that i was few minutes ago.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Web 2.0 Design

How web 2.0 web sites must look like!

Three great tutorials at - eclipse search engine is a search for eclipse related material. This search engine results are from eclipse related websites and/or blogs.

Example queries:

Absolute path to plugin's resource

We want the absolute path to "demo/test.txt" in our plugin with id "com.example.plugin"


String pluginId = "com.example.plugin";
String pluginRelativePath = "demo/test.txt";
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(pluginId);
URL url = bundle.getEntry(pluginRelativePath);
URL resolvedUrl = null;
try {
resolvedUrl = FileLocator.resolve(url);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO: handle exception